1. The sequences can be specified by uploading them using the
controls on the left (you must upload at least the BLAST result
file). They must be zipped files of tab separated values representing
the query ID, the hits found and their evalue (see here for details). You can also submit
example data by checking the control and clicking the "SEND REQUEST"
button: you will access the results of a pre-computed batch job.
2. You can choose to filter your sequences according to a taxon and one or more rule systems.
3. Optionally write an email address to be notified and a title for your job.
Note that if you do not specify an email you must bookmark the page showing the status of the job, otherwise you will not be able to recover it.
Note that if you do not specify an email you must bookmark the page showing the status of the job, otherwise you will not be able to recover it.
4. Hits below the threshold will not be
5. When you have filled in the form you can submit it by clicking on
"Send request" button.
The "Reset" button allows you to clear all input fields.
The "Reset" button allows you to clear all input fields.